Thursday, March 17, 2011


Welcome to “Getting into My Skinny Jeans” blog. I am a 31 year old single mom who took a long look in the mirror of life and did not like what I saw. I decided to make changes. I am reinventing myself.  I have made a decision to start loving myself ALL OF ME.  Saying I am going to love myself no matter what is a lot easier said than done. It is more than just saying “OK, I am going to accept the way God made me.”  I have no control over the genes I inherited, but I do have control over my health and how I treat myself. God did not create me to be an overweight, out of shape, self loathing person.  After wrestling with those thoughts, I decided to really love me and make changes. When you really, truly love someone or something, you treat it well.  I love my children and make sure that they love, eat well, have nice clothes, look neat and go to a good school. So, if I say I love me, then why the hell wasn’t doing the same for myself. 
Two week ago I weighed 295 lbs with asthma and on high blood pressure meds.  That is not how I wanted to continue on with my life.  The first thing I changed was how I ate. I had to treat my body better so that meant I had to change what I put in it  every day.  No, I am not on some kind of crazy diet. I eat things that are healthy for me like fruits and veggies. I drink a lot of water now, and not so much soda and other sugar filled drinks. I limit my carbs. I watch my caloric intake.  The second thing I changed was the fact that I was so inactive. I joined a gym. I work 5-6 days for 90 min. I know that seems like a lot. But it is all about what is important. So, I gave up 90 min of watching TV to workout.  With those changes, I have lost 10 lbs in less than two weeks. I wake up more energy. My blood pressure is becoming under control. My asthma is not bothering me.

I did not create this blog to tell my life story, but to give encouragement and share ideas on achieving a healthier life style. The reason I call this blog “Getting into My Skinny Jeans” is because of the goal I have for myself. But your “skinny jeans” may be being able to run a marathon or being able to enjoy playing with your kids with struggling to breathe. Whatever your health goals are, go after them. Every day I am learning to love me, and it is a challenge. But, if I don’t love myself who else will?

1 comment:

  1. I believe you are not alone in this battle of lack of self esteem. I too suffer from a momentary lack of love for myself. So if you don't mind I would like to join you in this quest. To get back what we have given away the time we need to love and take care of ourself. I have now taken up your fight to get into our skinny jeans by losing 20 pounds by my birthday.
